Friday, December 28, 2012

Cancer Prevention, Part 2 (of 6)

In this 2nd part (of 6) on cancer prevention, we’ll cover how the following help prevent this formidable chronic disease:  vegetarian diets; berries; and, fiber.  As a student of nutrition science—not yet a licensed professional—I’d like to think that even if you were only to do 2 days per week of vegetarian meals, that that is better than not at all!  I know someone who survives one of the cancers that affect females by not only taking a range of products made by The AIM Companies—the company whose whole-food concentrates and nutritional supplements I sell—but by following a vegetarian diet (that includes eggs).  More on AIM products in “Cancer Prevention, Part 6” in February 2013!

Vegetarian Diets
The reason this subheading is the plural of diets is because you can be vegetarian and still eat eggs, dairy (like milk, cheese, and yogurt), and honey.  Or, you can be vegan and omit all of the items that I just listed.  Although you are guaranteed to make your body more alkaline (thus not a ready host for developing cancer!) and to lose weight on a vegan diet, it’s HARD learning how to cook tasty dishes CHEAPLY.  It’s also difficult to find vegan dish options when eating out!  I would only recommend a vegan diet if you are a cancer survivor—to help prevent the cancer from coming back.

[V]egetarian diets cut the risk of breast, colon, ovarian, and prostate cancers in a number of studies…Diets high in saturated fat seem to promote production of a form of estrogen called estradiol, which is linked to breast cancer…[V]egetarians have higher levels of ‘natural killer cells’—special white blood cells that attack cancer cells—in their bloodstream. (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 14)

The key here is NOT to eat junk food on a vegetarian diet (French fries, for example), rather eat 5 – 9 servings of, ideally, raw fruits and vegetables. Personally, I am trying to eat all vegetarian meals 1-2 days per week; but I also take plenty of AIM’s whole-food concentrates that help make my body an alkaline environment! At lunch and dinner especially your fruit and/or vegetables should occupy HALF of the plate!

The more color a berry has, the more nutrients in it!  Not only that, but berries are packed with fiber.  Fruits (and vegetables) are packed with phytochemicals—“chemicals in the plants that have a variety of beneficial health effects” (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 15)--not all of which have even been identified by scientists.  A phytochemical, called ellagic acid, “is believed to help prevent cellular changes that can lead to cancer.  All berries contain some ellagic acid, with raspberries and strawberries ranking” high (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 15). 

Louisiana State University researchers found that an extract from black raspberry can inhibit the growth of new blood vessels.  Tumors coax the body to grow new blood vessels to feed them nutrients, and they can’t grow beyond a few millimeters without this food supply (Yeager, 2008, p. 15).

Soluble and Insoluble Fiber
Suffice-to-say, all grains that are white (white flour and white rice come immediately to mind) are bad for you!  They help to create an acidic environment inside your body, further helping to cause a variety of chronic diseases, including cancer.  You can find whole grains like millet, bulgur, and quinoa (a complete protein, so you don’t need to eat this with a protein) in the bulk aisle in health food stores.  The nice thing about Whole Foods Market—in most major U.S. cities—is that they provide cooking instructions for the dried foods in their bulk aisles!

In a major study conducted by the American Cancer Society, researchers studied the whole grain, fruit, and vegetable intake of 62,609 men and 70,554 women and found that men with a high vegetable intake had a 30% lower risk of colon cancer, and men with a very low intake of vegetables and whole grains and women with a very low intake of fruits were more likely to have developed colon cancer 4 to 5 years later (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 16).

“A study by Australian and Canadian researchers found that women who ate 28 grams of fiber a day had a 38% lower risk of developing breast cancer than those getting half that amount.” (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 16-17)

I hope that my cousin Wendi is reading my blog posts on cancer prevention!  It’s my understanding that although you can survive cancer once, that it could come back at any time!!  So, my “Cancer Prevention” series is not only for the general African American public who have never had cancer.  My series is for those who are cancer survivors, who want to keep the cancer from returning!

STAY TUNED:  Find out how flaxseed, onion, and garlic boost your immune system!

Yeager, S. & Editors of Prevention.  (2008).  The doctor's book of healing foods:  The newest 
     discoveries in the power of food to treat and prevent health problems--from aging and diabetes 
     to ulcers and yeast infections.  Red Oak, IA:  Rodale, Inc.

{Disclaimer:  I am not a licensed healthcare professional.  If you have a medical condition or health concern, please consult with a M.D., N.D., nurse practitioner, or other licensed healthcare practitioner.}

Friday, November 30, 2012

Cancer Prevention, Part 1 (of 6)

The importance of getting 5 – 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day is shown throughout the section on “Cancer” in Selene Yeager’s and Preventions’s The Doctor’s Book of Healing Foods (2008).  Not only that, but you need to get a variety of colors (of fruits and vegetables) every day.  As the slightly removed female relatives in my family (a cousin and 2 great-aunts) had breast cancer, including as early as at the age of 48—my current age!—part of what I eat is with the aim of cancer prevention, among other chronic diseases.  This is the first part (of 6) on cancer prevention, as its covered by the aforementioned 96-page book.  “Study after study shows that a healthful diet—eating less fat and getting more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes—can vastly reduce the risk of cancer.” (Yeager & Prevention, 2008,  p. 12)

Getting in antioxidants (that fight free radicals, caused by pollution and chemicals in our environment, that lead to disease) happen when you get a “rainbow” of fruits and vegetables, such as:  beta-carotene in pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and carrots, as well as spinach and kale; lycopene in tomatoes and watermelon; lutein in collard greens and other leafy greens; and vitamin C in all sorts of produce, from oranges to red peppers. (Yeager & Prevention, 2008).  “[D]on’t forget plant foods that AREN’T colorful fruits and vegetables such as, nuts, whole wheat bread, beans, and vegetable oils, for their antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin E and selenium.” (Yeager & Prevention, 2008,  p. 13)

Another healing type of food for cancer is black or green tea.  This means if you go to McDonald’s or Popeye’s you can get iced [black] tea; and, if you go to Starbucks {a coffee shop franchise, or most independent coffee shops too—SD} you can get either iced or hot black or green tea—and you’ll be helping to prevent yourself from getting cancer! 

Whatever the cancer stage, tea can help.  Cancer researcher Hasan Mukhtar, PhD, of the department of dermatology at the University of Wisconsin, has seen tea stop cancer at each stage of its life cycle, arresting both its growth and spread.  And where cancerous tumors have already formed, he has seen tea shrink them. (Yeager & Prevention, 2008,  p. 13-14)

STAY TUNED!  Cancer Prevention, Part 2 will cover how vegetarian diets, berries and fiber help your immune system or colon.


Yeager, S. & Prevention.  (2008).  The doctor's book of healing foods.  Rodale Inc.

DISCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare provider.  If you have a health concern, consult with a nurse practitioner, M.D., naturopathic doctor (ND), pharmacist, or other healthcare practitioner.}


Monday, November 26, 2012

November is Diabetes Month

Since loss of abdominal body fat eliminates 1 risk factor for diabetes, my quest for weight-loss gems is mainly meant to reverse my pre-diabetes (and abdominal body fat) or to prevent diabetes in African-Americans—one of the population subsets for whom diabetes is present, in addition to in my family, more than among European-Americans.  November is Diabetes Month, so, for some good weight loss tips, that also DO NOT increase blood sugar, I picked 10 from the “100 Best Diet Tricks of All Time” by Melissa Daly, in the November 2012 issue of Health magazine, namely:

#16:  Get 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night.  Without it, the appetite hormone ghrelin increases, which could result in weight gain…--Manuel Villacorta, RD, author of Eating free

FILLING FOOD PAIRS:  Snacks that combine fiber and protein produce a greater sense of fullness, nix carb cravings, and banish hunger, …Try these super-satisfying pairs (or mix and match).

#46:  bell peppers and hummus {pureed chickpea dip—SD}
#47:  broccoli and low-fat cheese

#54:  Hang a sweat calendar on your fridge and mark the days you exercise so you’ll stay clear about your goal.

#61:  “Weigh yourself every day to stay on track.”—Cindy Santa Ana,  43, health coach who lost 50 lbs.

#65:  “Eat in the right order.  Eat vegetables first to naturally have more of them and ultimately eat fewer calories.”—Dawn Jackson Blatner

#70:  “During your workout, rest no more than 30 seconds between exercises.  This will dramatically bump your calorie burn.”—Jillian Michaels, fitness expert, via Twitter

Cravings usually pass within 10 minutes.  Distract yourself by:

#86:  Facebooking {an online community at that asks for status updates after you signup—SD}

#89:  Have a bowl of vegetable soup before lunch {or dinner!—SD}; you’ll eat 20 percent fewer calories at the meal.—Research by Barbara Rolls, PhD, at Pennsylvania State University

EAT FIBER AND PROTEIN AT MEALS:  They help keep sugar levels balanced so you won’t give in to cravings, says Tanya Zuckerbrof, RD {registered dietician—SD}, author of The miracle carb diet.  Follow her plan below and lose up to 10 pounds in a month (if you do 3.5 hours of cardio per week).  Eat 3 meals and a snack a day (after week 1, add a second snack).—{The magazine lists 3 choices under each subheading:  Breakfast; Lunch/Dinner; and, Snacks.—SD}

Lunch/Dinner (about 400 calories)--#97:  Prepare a Kashi Steam Meal like Sesame Chicken; serve with 1 cup frozen spinach, prepared according to package. {Frozen Kashi meals can be found at any major grocery chain, and they are FILLING!—SD}

You might only be able to add a few of these immediately…but, even if you only end up doing those FEW, you’ll probably help your diet along (or help to keep excess weight from being gained!) AND lower your risk for getting diabetes.

Which of the listed diet tricks interest you?  Did this blog post inspire you to go out and get this month’s Health magazine (for the other 90 tips)?  How hard (or easy) of a time do you find in getting yourself to start, and continue, these 10 tips?

I welcome your comments below…Or email me on:

{DISCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare provider.  If you have a health concern, consult with a nurse practitioner, M.D., naturopathic doctor (ND), pharmacist, or other healthcare practitioner.}


Daly, M.  (2012, November).  Best shape:  100 Best diet tricks of all time.  Health, 37 – 44.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Meal Replacement Smoothie Recipe


1 red apple, cored
1 cup ice
2/3 cup oatmeal
4 pinches of cinnamon
1 scoop AIM ProPeas protein powder
1 scoop AIM Fit ‘n Fiber powder
2/3 cup plain fat-free yogurt
2/3 cup fat-free organic soymilk (or almond-, rice-milk)
½ cup raisins
1 tablespoon of flax seed or chia seeds

Place all ingredients in the HealthMaster emulsifier [or large food processor]’s pitcher.

Press RUN at speed 8 (for the HealthMaster machine) or at highest food processing speed, until blended!

Note:  in adapting the recipe from the original, I doubled the serving size, lowered its amount of sugar, and increased its amounts of fiber and protein.  I increased the serving size as I felt that that was a more filling option; you can cut it in half if you have a smaller food processor, if you so choose.  I added the seeds (flax/chia) for added fiber and for omega-3 essential fatty acids—that our bodies don’t produce!  The AIM ProPeas adds an nice taste of vanilla, adding only 1 gram of sugar (It’s sweetened with the natural sweetener stevia.), which mean that it is low on the glycemic index!

Also, the binder of recipes, that I got this from, sums up some of the health benefits of a couple of its ingredients as:

  v    APPLE:  “Scientific evidence is constantly building evidence that the antioxidants in apples, and   other fruits and vegetables, are protective against cardiovascular disease and cancer development….Preliminary studies have suggested that a diet rich in apples may help lower cholesterol (HealthMaster Elite, 2011, page 5).”

  v  OATMEAL:  “May be beneficial in helping to prevent heart disease, stroke, and blood clots.  Also help(s) to stabilize blood sugars in noninsulin .dependent diabetic patients (HealthMaster Elite, 2011, page 15).”

{Adapted from “Apple Oatmeal Smoothie” in Living Well/Montel [Williams] HealthMaster Elite’s Garden Fresh RECIPE COLLECTION; published 2011 by Tristar Products, Inc; available from}

Nutrition Facts following, are approximations—as the products (yogurt and organic soymilk) were stated for 1 cup.  Doing the math made my head hurt!  I, also, couldn’t run this post past a 2nd pair of eyes to crosscheck my math!!

2 servings.  Calories (per serving) = 299; Fiber = 13 grams; and, Sugar = 18 grams.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Month--Need for Alkaline Diet

A M.D., who happens to be African American, was briefly interviewed, in the following video, this month—for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Dr. Tanya Edwards, Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine starts by giving a comprehensive list of what the National Institutes of Health (NIH) group into 5 different systems of healing—such as, acupuncture, supplements, and chiropractic therapy:

More importantly, Dr. Edwards sums up how you can help keep breast cancer (probably applies to other forms of cancer as well) from coming back.  She states that, if following a traditional, Western approach to cancer, integrative medical healing systems could at least be used to

decrease side effects from chemotherapy and radiation [treatments].  In addition, as cancer is an inflammatory disease, following an anti-inflammatory diet [is recommended]; namely, you should get rid of sugar, most saturated fat (foods that are from animals), and trans fats.  Eat fish, for omega-3 [essential fatty acids], nuts, seeds, avocados and olive oil; and, LOTS of fruits and vegetables.  Also, as we’re all deficient in vitamin D; and, it has been shown that if you had cancer and have a lot of vitamin D in your body, that you live longer(!)  Be close to the ideal body weight for your height—in other words, don’t be obese…Lastly, tumeric has been demonstrated, in animal studies, to reduce the size of tumors; the suggested dosage is either half a teaspoon in water or 2,000 mg. per day.  Maitake mushroom extract promotes immune cell [growth], that attack cancer cells (Cleveland Clinic, 2012).

It looks like an anti-inflammatory diet might also be an alkaline diet as the following statement from Acid Alkaline Diets seems to be leading us:

An alkaline diet usually involves eating minimal amounts of meats, dairy products, white flour and white sugar, because these foods have a very acidic reaction on the body’s pH level. Instead, the diet usually focuses heavily on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts such as almonds, and soy products, because they leave an alkaline ash within the body (2010).

So, if you have recovered from breast cancer, please follow the aforementioned recommendations; or, your cancer could return!  If you’re currently battling with cancer, watch the Cleveland Clinic’s video (that is quoted) and investigate those integrative medical healing systems among alternative therapies, named by NIH.  Chemotherapy and radiation might be harming your healthy cells, along with the cancerous cells; and, they further weaken your body!  Don’t discount the proven benefits of Ayurvedic medicine, massage or herbs in helping you develop a healthier you…

{DISCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare professional.  If you have any health issues, please see a Medical Doctor, Integrative Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Chiropractic Doctor, Naturopathic Doctor, Licensed Nutritionist—Washington, DC or Maryland requires this—Registered Dietician, or Nurse Practitioner.}

May the Lord’s Blessings be with you!



Acid Alkaline Diets.  (2010).  Alkaline diet for cancer: Cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline environment.  Retrieved October 17, 2012 from
Cleveland Clinic.  (2012).  Breast cancer:  How integrative medicine can help.  Wellness.  Retrieved October 17, 2012 from

Monday, September 24, 2012

Earn a Minimum of $1,000!!

I just found out from AIM that the amount they will pay you for Contest is DOUBLE THE AMOUNT I stated in August 2012 post on my blog!!  You'd spend between $175-200/month on product at wholesale prices, starting no later than end of October 2012 for 3 consecutive months (a maximum total of $600 in product).  Then, AIM pays you $1000 after you sign up 5 wholesale members who also buy 150 BVP-worth of product for the same 3 consecutive months.  If you are able to get those 5, to also each sign up 5 members--telling them how you did it yourself--starting in October--for 3 consecutive months, AIM will pay you another $2000!!   If you start an Automatic Monthly Reorder (AMR), at least 3 days prior to your shipping/billing date, by a shipping date of October 24th, AIM will give you 10% off on order.  Count this discount as covering your shipment expense--which is pretty COOL!

It takes about 3 months of product usage to feel an improvement in health/energy.  Thus, this contest doesn't just get you and the other people that you sign up in the habit of using the same products for 3 months in a row, but it helps you get started in the income opportunity and building your AIM business!  Stay in touch with me if you do order from AIM, so that I can help you in effectively using their products to see results.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Heart Disease is No Joke!

Do you know what cardiovascular disease (CVD) means?  Whether you have CVD, or even high blood pressure, it could make the difference between a full and happy life and disability…

CVD refers to any disease of the heart and the blood vessels or circulation, while CHD [coronary heart disease] is a more specific condition resulting from reduced blood flow in the coronary arteries…According to the AHA [American Heart Association], approximately 1,100,000 Americans will have a coronary attack this year.  About 650,000 of these will be first heart attacks… (Howley & Franks, 2007, p. 298)

Furthermore, if you have hypertension, or high blood pressure, you could get CVD!  “[It] greatly increases a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease…It is estimated that 65 million people in the United States have hypertension.”  (Howley & Franks, 2007, p. 299)  If you have moderate hypertension (Ask your doctor as to whether this applies to you.—S.D.) there are non-drug options commonly applied, in order to reduce your blood pressure numbers, such as:  reducing salt/sodium intake; losing weight ; and,

participating in an endurance exercise program….Moderate-intensity exercise should be done frequently and for duration long enough to expend a large number of calories.  Furthermore, for those with higher BPs[blood pressures] who are taking medication, such an exercise program along with changes in diet, smoking, and body weight can lower BP.  In these cases, BP should be checked frequently so medications can be reduced as needed. (Howley & Franks, 2007, p. 299)

So, altering diet and weight loss strategies don’t only apply to pre-diabetes (which I have—S.D.) or diabetes (runs in my family—S.D.), diet also applies to high blood pressure and CVD…Thus, my future posts on diet or my weight-loss journey can be used to not only hopefully prevent (or reverse?) diabetes, but to improve your blood pressure—involving taking fewer or no medications--without all of the various side effects.

In the Summer 2012 issue of Amazing Wellness magazine—you might still be able to pick this up free at your local Vitamin Shoppe store—there are 5 weight-loss tips from personal trainer Bob Harper (of the NBC show The Biggest Loser):

ü  Drink a large glass of water before every meal.

ü  Enjoy up to 2 cups of black coffee or espresso per day (Research shows that you’ll have lower rates of diabetes, clearer thinking and an anti-inflammatory effect; in addition to it suppressing appetite and increasing your calorie-burn.).—I drink coffee every day, but because I used to have an ulcer, my stomach is too sensitive for me to drink it black!--S.D.

ü  “Apples and berries are two foods that should be eaten daily, [they] are rich in phytochemicals which help out your metabolism and act as powerful natural anti-inflammatories.  Even better, they help lower bad cholesterol.”  (Nix, Summer 2012, p. 42)

ü  “[T]ry your best not to consume any carbohydrates after lunch.  Snack on fiber, vegetables, fresh fruit, or protein instead of hitting the carbs…[E]at lean and green (especially in the evenings).”  (Nix, Summer 2012, p. 42)

ü  Get enough sleep, avoiding drinking alcohol after 8 p.m.  (Nix, Summer 2012)

{DlSCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare professional.  Please consult with a medical doctor/MD, doctor of osteopathy/DO, or naturopathic doctor/ND if you have any health concerns.}

Howley, E. T. & Franks, B. D.  (2007).  Fitness professional’s handbook (5th Ed.).  Champaign, IL:  Human Kinetics.
Nix, A.  (2012, Summer).  Guest spot:  Up close and personal.  Amazing wellness.  38-42.

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 1 - October 31, 2012 $1,500 Contest!!

It is commonly known that when taking natural supplements, you need to allow at least THREE MONTHS of taking them before seeing results (with ginkgo biloba you need to give 6 months!!).  AIM is holding 3 contests from August 1 through October 31, 2012 that not only get you and your new AIM Wholesale Members to use 150 Bonus Value Points (BVP)-worth of product for 3 consecutive months, but also help you grow your new AIM business.  I am going to reprint the contest flyer’s information for Contest #3 below, as I see that as the most financially lucrative—The most you order is approximately $175 – 200, for each of 5 months (until the month of December 2012); as the sponsoring Member, you need to order for each month that someone in your downline orders, and the latest you can initiate the 3-month order is the end of October.  The potential with Contest #3 is for you to get paid by AIM a maximum of $1,500 end of March 2013, plus 3 – 9% commission on each month’s BVP.

The other contest that you could qualify for (Contest #1 New Member Path of “Cash in with [Automatic Monthly Reorders] AMRs”) enters you to BE CONSIDERED for from a 1st place prize of $4,000 (to ONE MEMBER) to a 4th place of $1,000 (only one Member gets).  So Contest #1 has no guarantee that you would be paid anything—dependent on signing up the most new Members…If you would like to read the flyer which includes “AIM Contest Rules and Regulations,” because you are interested in participating in a contest, email me ( your mailing address and I’ll copy and send it to you!  You can also email me for more information on the contests, if you have any questions--like the 10% discount you get from any AMR scheduled, and what that means.

By signing up new Members and getting them enjoying AIM products, you could win up to $1,500 in the Quick Start to Success contest.  This three-month contest starts August 1, and you could be earning extra cash before you know it.
Step 1:  Maintain a minimum 150 BVP order of your own each month during the contest—even through an AMR—to qualify for these cash rewards…If you complete the contest requirements you receive the cash!
Step 2:  Sponsor five new Members who each place a monthly order of at least 150 BVP for their first three months, and you will receive $500.  AMR orders count, too!
Step 3:  Teach your new Members to do the same.  When your five new Members each sponsor five of their own new Members who place at least 150 BVP orders for their first three months, you will receive $1,000 and each of your five first-level downline Members will receive $500.

To participate, you must register for the Quick Start contest…by calling 1-800-456-2462 {If you register, my Member ID# is 544576.--SD}.  Your new Member signups won’t start counting until you register.  This contest ends October 31, so there’s no time to waste.  Your prizes await!  (AIM, August 2012, insert)


AIM.  (2012 August).  Contest flyer insert.  Living well:  Health and wealth magazine for AIM members.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Getting Vegetable Servings in with AIM Products

Being busy with summer travel and outside activities, it can be hard to get all of your nutrients…Do you get 9 servings of fruit and vegetables per day (to find out exact measurements of total servings for your gender and age, go to the link from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/CDC, in the last blog post)?  AIM’s Garden Trio (BarleyLife, Just Carrots and RediBeets) can help fill your needs with, for example, half a pound of carrots in only one serving of Just Carrots whole-food juicing powder!  As stated on p. 4 of the August 2012 AIM  Living Well, “this trio of whole-food powder concentrates is also a harvest of energy for the get-up-and-go you’ll need for a summer full of fun.”

BarleyLife has not only existed for 30 years, but is one of AIM’s top sellers! 

[T]he action of putting BarleyLife’s vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, antioxidants, and so much more into your empty stomach is like depositing green, liquid gold into your body’s good health bank account….AIM also offers something extra for those who enjoy their BarleyLife on the sweeter side….AIM BarleyLife Xtra…with a combination of seventeen fruit and vegetable powders…(AIM, August 2012, p. 4)

For more information on BarleyLife and what chlorophyll does for your health, check out the article “The Greener the Better,” p, 6 in the current issue of AIM’s magazine for its members at the following link:

I get a minimum of 2 vegetable servings per day from taking AIM Just Carrots and AIM RediBeets, to see an improvement in my vision (I wear glasses.) and in my iron anemia, respectively.  I only recently started taking them, so I’m taking a wait-and-see attitude!

Carrots provide a trio of eye-quenching antioxidants—beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and lutein—that protect your body and eyes from free radical damage….Besides a rich source of vitamins and minerals, you can’t beat beets as a vegetable source of powerful antioxidants known as betalains…because of betalains, “red beet products used regularly in the diet may provide protection against certain oxidative stress-related disorders in humans.” (AIM, August 2012, p. 4 + 5)

Don’t believe me (about the benefits of the AIM Garden Trio)?  AIM Member Andrea DeWane states within her testimonial:  “The Garden trio is a great way to start the day for me as it supplies all my necessary nutrients…I am sixty-four years young, and basically I feel great.” (August 2012, p. 5)  If I’ve stirred up an interest in you to find out more information on the Garden Trio, email me ( your mailing address and I’ll send you a single-serving product sample of one or all three of these!  Please also email me the medications that you are on, so I can look up any possible contraindications in the PDR for Herbal Medicines, 3rd Edition (2004) and The Essential Herb-Drug-Vitamin Interaction Guide:  The Safe Way to Use Medications and Supplements Together by G.T. Grossberg, MD and B. Fox, PhD (2007).  You can find the product data sheets via my website by clicking on the "Shop Now" button, then select "Details..." and finally, "Download Datasheet" on The AIM Companies website.

[Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve.  This statement has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  DISCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare practitioner; if you have any health concerns, please consult a licensed healthcare practitioner in your locality.]


AIM.  (2012 August).  “MAIN FEATURE:  Keep nutrition up!” (pages 4 and 5).  Living well:  Health and wealth magazine for AIM members.

Monday, July 30, 2012

General Health Pointers

Some pointers that top alternative medical doctors have involve everyone’s diet and what can energize you (2 doctors agreed as to the “instant energizer,” p. 21 and 23, Women’s Health, 2009).  Andrew Weil, M.D. ( states that ‘my diet is filled with a variety of fresh, unprocessed foods and an abundance of fruits and vegetables…I like wild salmon [“It gives you omega-3 fatty acids when wild….EXCELLENT for the brain, skin and hair!” –S.D.] and whitefish.  I also eat some cheese, nuts, whole grains, and soy foods.” (p. 20, Women’s Health, 2009)  Rather than adding the empty, water-weight-gaining spice of salt, use pepper, curry, garlic and other spices and seasonings to add flavor to your food!!

Go to : for a quick analysis of the amount of fruit and vegetables that you need, based on age, sex and activity level.

Alice Domar, Ph.D., executive director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health (among other titles) believes that:

“Instead of worrying about everything in your diet, make a few smart changes.  Switch from white to whole grain bread.  Switch from white rice to whole grain [“like quinoa, spelt, millet, bulgur wheat, etc. that you can buy in bulk from the local Whole Foods Market—they even have instructions on how you cook it, on the bulk bin; so take your time when you go shopping there!”—S. D.] or brown rice.  When you make a salad, be creative:  Throw in dried cranberrles, nuts, cheese….Those changes were so easy!” (p. 21, Women’s Health, 2009)

Christiane Northrup, M.D. (author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause) and Dr. Domar agree that an “instant energizer” is exercise; the latter, saying that “If I’m feeling down or tired, the one thing I know that’s going to get me going is exercise.  I’ve solved most of the world’s problems during my walks.” (p. 21 and 23, Women’s Health, 2009)  If you can’t afford private gym membership, check out your local YMCA/YWCA or recreation center for cheaper options.  But, if you pay for membership in any gym, you need to already be exercising at home for awhile.  Most gym memberships are a waste of good money because they rarely get used!

{DISCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare professional.  If you have any health concerns, please consult an M.D., integrative or functional medical doctor, naturopathic doctor/N.D., doctor of osteopathy/D.O. or nurse practitioner.}

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  (2012, June 28).  [Fruit and vegetable serving calculator].  Nutrition for everyone.  Retrieved July 30, 2012 from
Women’s Health.  (2009).  Report #4:  Private healing secrets of the world’s best alternative doctors.  Women’s health:  12 reports (pp. 19-23).  Rodale Inc.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Get Tested for Diabetes!

Being African-American alone is a risk factor for developing diabetes (in addition to whether it runs in your family).  My father had it and my sister has it…You also do not need to be overweight or obese to get diabetes.  It is a worldwide epidemic!

George Edmond Smith, MD in Taking Care of Our Own:  A Black American’s Guide to Family Medicine sums up the importance of knowing whether you have diabetes:  “It [diabetes] affects African Americans at a disproportionately high rate.  African Americans are fifty-five percent more likely than White Americans to have the disease.  Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, amputation, and heart and kidney failure for African Americans.” (p. 71, 2004)  People are being diagnosed at earlier ages, especially children(!), with Type 2 Diabetes; with many going through life UNDIAGNOSED and, by not knowing, not treating their disease!!  This post is about the various blood tests available to diagnose diabetes, so that you don’t go through life not knowing whether or not you have it.

The test that doctors tend to give you to diagnose diabetes means that you have to fast the night before—the typical person is inconvenienced by this, so it’s usually not even administered.  Now that the a1c test (the test that I had done 1.5 years ago that showed me as pre-diabetic) has become standardized, world health experts are hoping that many more—the majority of people—will ask for and get tested for diabetes.  There is a problem with using the a1c on people of African descent, and that is “[they] may have a less common type of hemoglobin, known as a hemoglobin variant, that can interfere with some A1C tests” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012).  Thus, African-Americans might want to fast the night before and get the more commonly used test!  I invite you to read the text from “The a1c test and diabetes” for yourself, if interested in pursuing this topic with your doctor.

In the course of writing this blog, as I am in the process of trying to lose abdominal belly fat—a risk factor for various chronic diseases—I will tell you about weight loss tips, and my experiences with them.  All of this with the goal in mind being the prevention of my (and maybe your) pre-diabetes from developing into full-blown diabetes!


Smith, G.E.  (2004).  Taking care of out own:  A Black American’s guide to family medicine.  Roscoe, IL:  Hilton Publishing Company.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.  (2012, June 19). The a1c test and diabetes.  Retrieved July 18, 2012 from

Friday, June 22, 2012

Music and Chronic Pain

There are a number of causes of chronic pain, including cancer, accidents, and even diabetes.  Some diabetics deal with a lot of chronic pain, no matter how much medication gets directed at the problem.  (Roberts, 2002)

As June is Black Music Month, I thought that I would look at music therapy and its effect on health!  Well, music therapy appears to have been used extensively in the relief of chronic pain…

Music therapy works in chronic pain management by providing sensory stimulation that evokes a response in the patient. Research has found that music used as a clinical intervention can help patients by:

·      Reducing the amount of pain they perceive
·      Promoting relaxation, rhythmic breathing, and rest
·      Alleviating anxiety and stress
·      Giving their mood a positive boost[.] (Thompson, 2010)

“Patients undergoing music therapy for chronic pain management have been found to:

  • ·      Require less pain medication
  • ·      Have significant improvements in their respiration, blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle relaxation
  • ·      Enjoy more peace of mind and better quality of life[.]” (Thompson, 2010)

“[M]usic with a slow beat is relaxing, while music with a fast beat is invigorating. Otherwise, you'll need to experiment to learn what music makes you feel better.” (Roberts, 2002)  It would seem that some nice relaxing GOSPEL, JAZZ, REGGAE or R&B is called for, in order to relax the muscles that are causing the chronic pain.  Once an improvement in your chronic pain is perceived, you could try some invigorating HIP HOP or SALSA!  If you’re over 40 years old, you might enjoy relaxing to some SOUL or [the group] SANTANA from the 1970s and 1980s—like I do!!

Music therapy is a recognized form of therapy and is sometimes covered by insurance. Formal music therapy sometimes involves just listening to music. But other times, the patient takes a more active role--singing, playing an instrument, or moving with the music. To find a music therapist, contact the American Music Therapy Association, Inc., at or (301) 589-3300. (Roberts, 2002; Thompson, 2010)

So, when your chronic pain is bothering you, you might try singing along when your favorite song is played on the radio—or hum, if you don’t know the words!!


Roberts, S.  (2002, September).  “Music therapy for chronic pain.”  Diabetes forecast.  Retrieved June 21, 2012 from
Thompson, Jr., D.  (2010, March 04).  “Music therapy for pain management.”  Everyday health.  Retrieved June 21, 2012 from