Thursday, May 16, 2013

Break Until Beginning of June 2013

I participated in an Entrepreneurship Training Program, to examine the feasibility of running a network marketing business with a Black-owned company called Tag Team Marketing International, Inc.  I am currently writing my Business Plan through the end of May 2013.  Thus, you should check back on this blog during the second week of June 2013 for an entry from me.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

DIABETES PREVENTION: Weight Loss Obstacles and Remedies

Some people don’t succeed at weight loss due to:

      1)   Feeling as if you don’t have the time to exercise;
      2)   Thinking that you can’t eat healthily because eating out is convenient and quick;
      3)   Seeing people you live with as setting bad examples, for your weight loss, with food; and,
      4)   You needing support from at least one other person.

Several ways in which obstacles can be overcome (corresponding to the aforementioned list) are:

      1)   Taking 5 – 10 minutes, several times during the day, to complete 30 minutes per day of exercise;
      2)   Making a sandwich, along with packing single-serving milk or soy-/almond milk when going out so that you don’t eat fast food;
      3)   You cook healthier meals for people you live with regularly or eat before they do so that you’re not tempted to eat their weight-loss-busting, unhealthy foods; and
      4)   You can ask people you know who are either trying to lose weight or doing weight-maintenance eating/exercising to give you weight-loss support, until you find at least one person to hold you accountable with your weight-loss goal.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Remedies for Acid Reflux/Heartburn

Here is my follow-up to my last post on the symptoms of acid reflux.  In case you are wondering why I am writing about this, acid reflux, if left untreated, can progress to cancer!  “If acid reflux occurs often on a regular basis, the condition becomes gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can develop into cancer of the esophagus if ignored.” (Louis, 4/26/12)

Most of what Naturopathic Doctor (N.D.) Edward Group states is proven to work.  Over the long term, he recommends:

o   “CHANGE YOUR DIET:  Processed foods and sugars are almost a guaranteed way to exacerbate acid reflux and create a bacterial imbalance in the stomach and intestinal tract. “  He also states that taking a probiotics supplement [like AIM FloraFood!—SD] is helpful; and, “also help[s] balance the bowel with good bacteria.” (Group, 5/7/10)

o   “DIGESTIVE ENZYMES:  Enzymes are found in abundance in raw food but the act of cooking food over 116° Fahrenheit destroys the health promoting enzymes.” (Group, 5/7/10) Furthermore, Dr. Group promotes supplementing with digestive enzymes, like AIM PrepZymes {The mentioning of the AIM products originates from AIM Certified Living Well Coach Shelley Dryden and not Dr. Group.}.

o   “INCREASE YOUR VITAMIN D:  Increasing vitamin D levels will optimize production of 200 antimicrobial peptides that aid in eradicating infections, including in the esophagus.” (Group, 5/7/10)  Or, as Dr. Group says you can take a high-quality vitamin D supplement, like AIM Veggie D or CalciAIM.

o   “FREQUENT EXERCISE:  Increasing the amount of cardio exercise you engage in is a great first step to improving your overall health.” (Group, 5/7/10)  Or, instead of exercise, you can incorporate a lot of physical activity into your daily routine, like walking on the stairs instead of taking the elevator, dancing regularly, or gardening.

“If you still experience acid reflux symptoms after making lifestyle changes, try these five quick home remedies for instant relief:” (Group, 5/7/10)

Ø Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar:  Although Dr. Group supports this food for treating acid reflux, the N.D. Christopher Vasey states that it is a “weak-acid” food (2006, p. 60-61).  This means that if you are one of the few who have a problem metabolizing acids, weak-acid foods (including apples) will have an acidifying effect on your body.

Ø Baking Soda:  Bicarbonate is a wonder product though some doctors recommend it not be used if you have high blood pressure or if you are on a sodium restricted diet. It’s best to get advice first. Mix a spoonful in a glass of water, stir, and drink before it stops fizzing (Group, 5/7/10).

Ø Organic Aloe Vera Juice:  “Aloe vera juice supports digestion and is another great remedy for acid reflux. I recommend drinking 1 ounce of the brand ‘R Pur Aloe’ mixed in 2 ounces of water when acid reflux symptoms begin.” (Group, 5/7/10)  As aloe vera juice usually has a bad taste, I recommend mixing it with fruit juice!

Ø Glutamine:  This amino acid naturally occurs in the human body and glutamine can be found in many dietary sources such as milk, eggs, fish, parsley, spinach and more. Glutamine is resistant to inflammation and reduces intestinal inflammation associated with acid reflux (Group, 5/7/10).

Ø Herbal Licorice:  “Herbal licorice helps coat the stomach with a protective gel. “  Both AIM Herbal Fiberblend and AIM Herbal Release contain licorice root, like Dr. Group recommends!

Furthermore, Dr. Group recommends doing a colon and liver cleanses {both done with AIM Herbal Fiberblend--SD}; and, following them with either a “harmful organism cleanse” (Group, 5/7/10) or parasite cleanse—also covered by AIM Herbal Fiberblend—or a heavy metal cleanse {that you can do with AIM HumiKleanse--SD}.

So, as you can see, AIM makes a number of high-quality products that can help with acid reflux—as recommended by a N.D. who has no affiliation with AIM.  If you, or anyone you know, suffer from this you could be relieved of health issues (like esophageal cancer) developing by ordering AIM products and giving them a try for 3 months!  Any natural whole-food powder or herbal supplement needs to be used for a solid 3 months in order for you to be assured of seeing results.  It’s worth trying for that period of time as you can prevent the chronic disease of cancer from arising.  Ninety percent of chronic disease is able to be prevented!!  You can join AIM—for the cheaper wholesale member price 30% off of retail—and order via my website:


Group, E. F.  (2010, May 7).  10 home remedies for acid reflux.  Global healing center.  Retrieved 2/6/13 from:
Louis, P.F.  (2012, April 26).  Six natural remedies for acid reflux.  Retrieved 2/6/13 from:
Vasey, C.  (2006).  The acid-alkaline diet for optimum health:  Restore your health by creating pH balance in your diet.  Healing Arts Press:  Rochester, Vermont.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Causes of Acid Reflux Disease

{A relative came to me complaining of acid reflux and so I am delving into this subject as seems to be common (Paddock, 12/25/11).  I am interrupting my current series on cancer prevention, to discuss this probably common disorder!  While my current term in school is winding down, and I plan to take a month-long break from school, I am going to try to publish a post on this blog every week.  —Shelley Dryden}

Several factors may increase your risk for acid reflux disease.

Stomach abnormalities. One common cause of acid reflux disease is a stomach abnormality called a hiatal hernia, which can occur in people of any age....When it works correctly, the diaphragm normally helps keep acid from rising into your esophagus. But if you have a hiatal hernia, it is easier for acid to move up into your esophagus.

Pregnancy . Many women experience acid reflux for the first time during pregnancy. This is caused by increasing levels of hormones combined with pressure from the growing fetus. Worst during the third trimester, the symptoms almost always go away after delivery.

Smoking. Smoking may contribute to acid reflux disease by doing any of the following:

·      Impairing muscle reflexes in the throat
·      Increasing acid secretion
·       Reducing salivation, which neutralizes the effect of acid.

Acid reflux foods. Eating large meals or lying down right after a meal can trigger heartburn or other symptoms of acid reflux disease, such as a dry cough or trouble swallowing. These are some of the common acid reflux foods that trigger symptoms:

ü  Alcohol
ü  Carbonated beverages
ü  Chocolate
ü  Citrus fruits, such as oranges or lemons
ü  Coffee or tea (regular or decaffeinated)
ü  Fatty or fried foods
ü  Foods containing tomato, such as spaghetti sauce, salsa, or pizza
ü  Garlic and onions
ü  Mint
ü  Spicy foods, such as those containing chili or curry

{I think that giving up these foods temporarily, then re-introducing each type of food individually, and seeing which ones lead to acid reflux symptoms, makes sense!—S.D.}

Other causes of acid reflux disease. Other common causes of acid reflux disease include:

v Being overweight or obese
v Eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist
v Snacking close to bedtime or lying down right after a meal
v Taking aspirin or ibuprofen, some muscle relaxers, or certain blood pressure medications

Exercise may cause acid reflux by increasing the pressure in the abdominal cavity (WebMD, 2012).

{Do you practice any of these traits?  Do you think that you might have acid reflux disease? Let me know, either by email ( or in a comment on this blog!  I might be able to provide guidance to you; especially doing this after a doctor has diagnosed your exact disorder.--SD}

{DISCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare provider.  If you have a health concern please consult an MD, naturopathic doctor/ND or nurse practitioner.}

Paddock, C.  (2011, December 25).  Acid reflux 50% more common than ten years ago.  Medical news today.  Retrieved 1/29/13 from:
WebMD.  (2012).  Common causes of acid reflux disease.  Retrieved 1/29/13 from:

Friday, December 28, 2012

Cancer Prevention, Part 2 (of 6)

In this 2nd part (of 6) on cancer prevention, we’ll cover how the following help prevent this formidable chronic disease:  vegetarian diets; berries; and, fiber.  As a student of nutrition science—not yet a licensed professional—I’d like to think that even if you were only to do 2 days per week of vegetarian meals, that that is better than not at all!  I know someone who survives one of the cancers that affect females by not only taking a range of products made by The AIM Companies—the company whose whole-food concentrates and nutritional supplements I sell—but by following a vegetarian diet (that includes eggs).  More on AIM products in “Cancer Prevention, Part 6” in February 2013!

Vegetarian Diets
The reason this subheading is the plural of diets is because you can be vegetarian and still eat eggs, dairy (like milk, cheese, and yogurt), and honey.  Or, you can be vegan and omit all of the items that I just listed.  Although you are guaranteed to make your body more alkaline (thus not a ready host for developing cancer!) and to lose weight on a vegan diet, it’s HARD learning how to cook tasty dishes CHEAPLY.  It’s also difficult to find vegan dish options when eating out!  I would only recommend a vegan diet if you are a cancer survivor—to help prevent the cancer from coming back.

[V]egetarian diets cut the risk of breast, colon, ovarian, and prostate cancers in a number of studies…Diets high in saturated fat seem to promote production of a form of estrogen called estradiol, which is linked to breast cancer…[V]egetarians have higher levels of ‘natural killer cells’—special white blood cells that attack cancer cells—in their bloodstream. (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 14)

The key here is NOT to eat junk food on a vegetarian diet (French fries, for example), rather eat 5 – 9 servings of, ideally, raw fruits and vegetables. Personally, I am trying to eat all vegetarian meals 1-2 days per week; but I also take plenty of AIM’s whole-food concentrates that help make my body an alkaline environment! At lunch and dinner especially your fruit and/or vegetables should occupy HALF of the plate!

The more color a berry has, the more nutrients in it!  Not only that, but berries are packed with fiber.  Fruits (and vegetables) are packed with phytochemicals—“chemicals in the plants that have a variety of beneficial health effects” (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 15)--not all of which have even been identified by scientists.  A phytochemical, called ellagic acid, “is believed to help prevent cellular changes that can lead to cancer.  All berries contain some ellagic acid, with raspberries and strawberries ranking” high (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 15). 

Louisiana State University researchers found that an extract from black raspberry can inhibit the growth of new blood vessels.  Tumors coax the body to grow new blood vessels to feed them nutrients, and they can’t grow beyond a few millimeters without this food supply (Yeager, 2008, p. 15).

Soluble and Insoluble Fiber
Suffice-to-say, all grains that are white (white flour and white rice come immediately to mind) are bad for you!  They help to create an acidic environment inside your body, further helping to cause a variety of chronic diseases, including cancer.  You can find whole grains like millet, bulgur, and quinoa (a complete protein, so you don’t need to eat this with a protein) in the bulk aisle in health food stores.  The nice thing about Whole Foods Market—in most major U.S. cities—is that they provide cooking instructions for the dried foods in their bulk aisles!

In a major study conducted by the American Cancer Society, researchers studied the whole grain, fruit, and vegetable intake of 62,609 men and 70,554 women and found that men with a high vegetable intake had a 30% lower risk of colon cancer, and men with a very low intake of vegetables and whole grains and women with a very low intake of fruits were more likely to have developed colon cancer 4 to 5 years later (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 16).

“A study by Australian and Canadian researchers found that women who ate 28 grams of fiber a day had a 38% lower risk of developing breast cancer than those getting half that amount.” (Yeager et al., 2008, p. 16-17)

I hope that my cousin Wendi is reading my blog posts on cancer prevention!  It’s my understanding that although you can survive cancer once, that it could come back at any time!!  So, my “Cancer Prevention” series is not only for the general African American public who have never had cancer.  My series is for those who are cancer survivors, who want to keep the cancer from returning!

STAY TUNED:  Find out how flaxseed, onion, and garlic boost your immune system!

Yeager, S. & Editors of Prevention.  (2008).  The doctor's book of healing foods:  The newest 
     discoveries in the power of food to treat and prevent health problems--from aging and diabetes 
     to ulcers and yeast infections.  Red Oak, IA:  Rodale, Inc.

{Disclaimer:  I am not a licensed healthcare professional.  If you have a medical condition or health concern, please consult with a M.D., N.D., nurse practitioner, or other licensed healthcare practitioner.}

Friday, November 30, 2012

Cancer Prevention, Part 1 (of 6)

The importance of getting 5 – 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day is shown throughout the section on “Cancer” in Selene Yeager’s and Preventions’s The Doctor’s Book of Healing Foods (2008).  Not only that, but you need to get a variety of colors (of fruits and vegetables) every day.  As the slightly removed female relatives in my family (a cousin and 2 great-aunts) had breast cancer, including as early as at the age of 48—my current age!—part of what I eat is with the aim of cancer prevention, among other chronic diseases.  This is the first part (of 6) on cancer prevention, as its covered by the aforementioned 96-page book.  “Study after study shows that a healthful diet—eating less fat and getting more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes—can vastly reduce the risk of cancer.” (Yeager & Prevention, 2008,  p. 12)

Getting in antioxidants (that fight free radicals, caused by pollution and chemicals in our environment, that lead to disease) happen when you get a “rainbow” of fruits and vegetables, such as:  beta-carotene in pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and carrots, as well as spinach and kale; lycopene in tomatoes and watermelon; lutein in collard greens and other leafy greens; and vitamin C in all sorts of produce, from oranges to red peppers. (Yeager & Prevention, 2008).  “[D]on’t forget plant foods that AREN’T colorful fruits and vegetables such as, nuts, whole wheat bread, beans, and vegetable oils, for their antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin E and selenium.” (Yeager & Prevention, 2008,  p. 13)

Another healing type of food for cancer is black or green tea.  This means if you go to McDonald’s or Popeye’s you can get iced [black] tea; and, if you go to Starbucks {a coffee shop franchise, or most independent coffee shops too—SD} you can get either iced or hot black or green tea—and you’ll be helping to prevent yourself from getting cancer! 

Whatever the cancer stage, tea can help.  Cancer researcher Hasan Mukhtar, PhD, of the department of dermatology at the University of Wisconsin, has seen tea stop cancer at each stage of its life cycle, arresting both its growth and spread.  And where cancerous tumors have already formed, he has seen tea shrink them. (Yeager & Prevention, 2008,  p. 13-14)

STAY TUNED!  Cancer Prevention, Part 2 will cover how vegetarian diets, berries and fiber help your immune system or colon.


Yeager, S. & Prevention.  (2008).  The doctor's book of healing foods.  Rodale Inc.

DISCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare provider.  If you have a health concern, consult with a nurse practitioner, M.D., naturopathic doctor (ND), pharmacist, or other healthcare practitioner.}


Monday, November 26, 2012

November is Diabetes Month

Since loss of abdominal body fat eliminates 1 risk factor for diabetes, my quest for weight-loss gems is mainly meant to reverse my pre-diabetes (and abdominal body fat) or to prevent diabetes in African-Americans—one of the population subsets for whom diabetes is present, in addition to in my family, more than among European-Americans.  November is Diabetes Month, so, for some good weight loss tips, that also DO NOT increase blood sugar, I picked 10 from the “100 Best Diet Tricks of All Time” by Melissa Daly, in the November 2012 issue of Health magazine, namely:

#16:  Get 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night.  Without it, the appetite hormone ghrelin increases, which could result in weight gain…--Manuel Villacorta, RD, author of Eating free

FILLING FOOD PAIRS:  Snacks that combine fiber and protein produce a greater sense of fullness, nix carb cravings, and banish hunger, …Try these super-satisfying pairs (or mix and match).

#46:  bell peppers and hummus {pureed chickpea dip—SD}
#47:  broccoli and low-fat cheese

#54:  Hang a sweat calendar on your fridge and mark the days you exercise so you’ll stay clear about your goal.

#61:  “Weigh yourself every day to stay on track.”—Cindy Santa Ana,  43, health coach who lost 50 lbs.

#65:  “Eat in the right order.  Eat vegetables first to naturally have more of them and ultimately eat fewer calories.”—Dawn Jackson Blatner

#70:  “During your workout, rest no more than 30 seconds between exercises.  This will dramatically bump your calorie burn.”—Jillian Michaels, fitness expert, via Twitter

Cravings usually pass within 10 minutes.  Distract yourself by:

#86:  Facebooking {an online community at that asks for status updates after you signup—SD}

#89:  Have a bowl of vegetable soup before lunch {or dinner!—SD}; you’ll eat 20 percent fewer calories at the meal.—Research by Barbara Rolls, PhD, at Pennsylvania State University

EAT FIBER AND PROTEIN AT MEALS:  They help keep sugar levels balanced so you won’t give in to cravings, says Tanya Zuckerbrof, RD {registered dietician—SD}, author of The miracle carb diet.  Follow her plan below and lose up to 10 pounds in a month (if you do 3.5 hours of cardio per week).  Eat 3 meals and a snack a day (after week 1, add a second snack).—{The magazine lists 3 choices under each subheading:  Breakfast; Lunch/Dinner; and, Snacks.—SD}

Lunch/Dinner (about 400 calories)--#97:  Prepare a Kashi Steam Meal like Sesame Chicken; serve with 1 cup frozen spinach, prepared according to package. {Frozen Kashi meals can be found at any major grocery chain, and they are FILLING!—SD}

You might only be able to add a few of these immediately…but, even if you only end up doing those FEW, you’ll probably help your diet along (or help to keep excess weight from being gained!) AND lower your risk for getting diabetes.

Which of the listed diet tricks interest you?  Did this blog post inspire you to go out and get this month’s Health magazine (for the other 90 tips)?  How hard (or easy) of a time do you find in getting yourself to start, and continue, these 10 tips?

I welcome your comments below…Or email me on:

{DISCLAIMER:  I am not a licensed healthcare provider.  If you have a health concern, consult with a nurse practitioner, M.D., naturopathic doctor (ND), pharmacist, or other healthcare practitioner.}


Daly, M.  (2012, November).  Best shape:  100 Best diet tricks of all time.  Health, 37 – 44.